We're so glad you joined us!

Here we are – kids, dogs and all! Thanks for visiting our page! We're hoping that you will enjoy hearing about our travels and experiences as a family. We intend for this blog to share more than just travel journals, but also insights and lessons learned during our daily adventures. Please share your comments and come back often! * update * as of August 2010, we finished our journey, so new entries to this site will be rare. Linda's starting a new personal blog here. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A regular day in an irregular place (for us!)

We're loving the scenery in Colorado. We have three of the infamous 'fourteeners' in view of our windows. This particular morning, we had a fantastic rainbow as well as snow showers fell on the higher elevations, but not on us! Here it seems to be sinking over the closest hill (beyond the less than attractive RV storage in this RV park). We've decided to bathe just about everything around here and the two boys need to earn some pocket change. Nice coincidence!

Previous dog baths have been outside, using the handy shower station by the dump valves. Although the sun was shining, the wind was a bit chilly for the dogs to be out soaking wet.

Here goes the first victim:
The next victim is NOT going to fit in that big blue bowl, so we tried out the RV shower.
Once dry and combed out, the girls were much happier than during the baths and looked lots better! Good job guys!Next, the truck and hopefully the RV. They definitely are filthy after the snow and ice we've been through!

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