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Here we are – kids, dogs and all! Thanks for visiting our page! We're hoping that you will enjoy hearing about our travels and experiences as a family. We intend for this blog to share more than just travel journals, but also insights and lessons learned during our daily adventures. Please share your comments and come back often! * update * as of August 2010, we finished our journey, so new entries to this site will be rare. Linda's starting a new personal blog here. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

2nd Largest Canyon in the US

We had a terrific day touring Palo Duro Canyon just south of Amarillo with our friends. Our amateur photography doesn't capture the colors well. The canyon had a bit more color than other seasons with the golden cottonwoods bordering the water.The water running through the park has a lengthy name, the Prairie Dog Town fork of the Red River. While not running very full on this day, campers and hikers in the canyon must take care when thunderstorms are in the area. No worries on this day with clear skies and very warm temperatures!

We pose at a replica dugout shelter from the time of Charles Goodnight who created his sprawling ranch around the canyon. The park has a very nice museum that captures some native American activity with the canyon and well chronicles Goodnight and his colorful history in Texas Independence and founding his ranching empire in this area.

It was nice to have a break from the snowy landscapes of Colorado and Wyoming. Texas has its own beauty and offers things that the north cannot.

One of those things would be good Mexican food. We could not even find a tortilla in Minnesota and any attempts at Mexican fare north of Amarillo or east of Houston are weak at best. So we celebrated Tex-Mex cuisine with our friends at Abuelo's and it was wonderful.

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