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Here we are – kids, dogs and all! Thanks for visiting our page! We're hoping that you will enjoy hearing about our travels and experiences as a family. We intend for this blog to share more than just travel journals, but also insights and lessons learned during our daily adventures. Please share your comments and come back often! * update * as of August 2010, we finished our journey, so new entries to this site will be rare. Linda's starting a new personal blog here. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lassen Volcanic National Park

Pretty, isn't it? We could see this mountain for miles before we arrived near Redding, CA. We did not know anything about Mt. Lassen before we arrived, but after checking online about the national park, we couldn't pass up a visit.

We discovered that this mountain is considered an active volcanic mountain with it's most recent eruption in 1915. The website apprised us of the extent of the eruption or more accurately eruptions over several days. We began to notice a proliferation of volcanic rocks scattered in pastures not far into our 50 mile drive. Within the park, we walked the trail in the 'Devastated Area'. Signs along the way detail the 3 day event and describe rocks like the one above that drifted down the mountain in a huge slurry of mud, snow and slush to this final resting place very distant from the mountain.

The visitor center had shared information about several trails within the park, and we determined that we must hike the one that led to the largest grouping of geothermal activity. The name 'Bumpass Hell', was a little intimidating and coupled with the sign below (TRAIL HAZARDOUS - Travel Not Recommended) gave us a bit of pause before tramping along. We decided that legal counsel for the parks department probably necessitated the sign more than genuine caution, so the boys grabbed their walking sticks and we began.

Not far along the trail, we were able to view Lake Helen. We had driven by on our way to the trail head but were delighted to see it again. Helen is my mother's name and we loved to see ice covering part of the surface - even in July!

Several portions of the trail were covered with snow! We had to walk carefully as the trail was sometimes slushy or icy. Will was the only one that made it through with dry pants - all the rest of us had at least one slip and landed in the very soggy snow!
Our first glimpse of Bumpass Hell, but it was preceded by hearing the fumaroles and smelling the sulfur gas - peee-eeeww!

The gorgeous green landscape and white snow gave way to very barren slopes, mud, clear steaming water in pools and bubbling pits everywhere!
Boardwalks criss-crossed the steaming area, allowing us to get a closer look and photos.

All around were still the beautiful pines, snow and even wildflowers - running streams (but steaming from the hot water! )

After making sure we had looked the area over thoroughly, we gave in to Cory's pleas to leave the smelly spot and head back over the snowy trail. The going was much easier when climbing than descending and the boys' walking sticks came in handy for us all! Many passersby remarked that they would like to have those as well. The boys kept their grip on the sticks and smiled!

We made a few more miles through the park to see several pristine lakes and mountain views.

These baby ducks seem to have it made to live in such a paradise!

A final look at Mt. Lassen from Manzanita Lake - what a great day, what a beautiful place and what a wonderful God to have created such beauty!

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